Theater Pedagogy

I believe that acting enhances singing and that singing enhances acting. Performance will hone your abilities. Since I‘ve started working in schools I‘ve engaged in pedagogy of theater, hard work but very worthwhile.


My gradeschool choir at the Emely-Salzig elementary school in Geisenheim have been performing music theater since 2010. We are regularly featured at the regional festival „Besser als Nichts“ and at the Geisenheimer Lindenfest. We‘ve performed versions of childrens classics, like Puss in Boots, but also ore modern pieces like this years project „Shrek Jr.“ We have recieved project funding from the Sparkassen Hessen-Thuringen and won the Hessen School Theater Digital prize in Covid-Year 2020 for our version of Kipling‘s Jungle Book. (


At the Geisenheim Profesional College for Early Childhood Educators, I‘ve been able to instigate a course using theater techniques for intercultural communication. Designed to cross boundaries, it is for both Early Childhood Educators in the second year of their studies AND for young people relocating to Germany (often as refugees) and learning German as a second language. We were invited to be the keynote performance at the Hessen School Theater convention ( and also won the Rheingau-Taunus region integration award.



ensembel 29.5.19-2
3 prinzen auf dem Teppich (2)
Jack & rob.