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Book a course!

I offer courses for beginner, intermediate and experienced singers. I‘ll gladly design a course to fit the needs and interests of your group. Are you teachers or early childhood educators who‘d like some stable grounding in basic vocal work with kids? A choir looking for vocal coaching, section or small group lessons and great warmups for a coming concert? Looking for inspiration for or support with your theater or musical group?


Some examples:

  • Singing? Just do it! For Kindergardens & Schools  ASB Kitas Rheingau, Landesakademie für Musik Hessen, Lehrerfortbildung RLP etc.
  • The individual Voice Module for the D-course examination in church music, Zentrum für Verkündigung, Frankfurt/Main
  • Musical as a method for English as a foriegn language. The Wizard of Oz  with  Mandargore Arts Program, Qingdao, China
Wizard of Oz Qingdao
Course for "The Chor-y-feen", Ev. Versöhnungsgemeinde Wiesbaden
A Masque for Georg Friedrich